Participant Agreement & Class Access

Participant Agreement

By registering for a Good Life class or event, I have agreed and consented to the following:

I am voluntarily participating in The Good Life program for healthy aging.

I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved with participating in The Good Life program. Some aspects of this program require physical exertion that may be strenuous at times and could cause physical injury. Such injuries may include, but are not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains, muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to back, injuries to foot, or any other illness or soreness, including death.

I have no medical condition that would prevent me from safely participating in The Good Life program. To ensure my health and safety, I have consulted with a physician prior to participating in The Good Life classes or other activities.  

I am responsible for any injuries or damage for which I might incur as a result of participating in the program.

I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against The Good Life for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in the program.

I may be photographed while participating in ANY The Good Life sponsored classes/activities. I agree to allow my photo, video or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the activity holders, producers, sponsors and assigns.

I have read and understood the above document and I release The Good Life program, its faculty, staff and vendors of their potential liability. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

UC Davis School of Medicine and the City of Oakland Parks and Recreation sponsor The Good Life Program to promote health and well-being for older adults throughout the East Bay and beyond.

Class Access

3 Ways to Access The Good Life Classes

1. Email Reminder You will receive an email reminder with an easy access link to the event on the day of the event. Simply click the "Join Zoom" button in the email reminder to join the class on Zoom.

2. Enrollment Confirmation Email Click the blue "Join Zoom" button next to the event date in this email.

3. Your Good Life Account You can access your account at To sign in for the first time, click on "I don't know my password" to create an easy to remember password. Your email address is the same as the one you used to register. Using your Good Life Account allows you to see all of the classes/events that you have enrolled in, access the direct link to attend the class, healthy aging resources and more!

What to Expect When You Log On

1. Give yourself some extra time! Login at least 15 minutes early. If you have issues, email us right away at or call 510-306-2584.

2. Zoom may ask you to download or open the Zoom app. If you do not have Zoom on your device, please download it. The browser version will not work. If you already have the app, Zoom should prompt you to “Open” or “Launch” the Zoom app. Your unique class access will load automatically.

3. If you see a message that says “Please wait. The meeting host will let you in soon.” You’re in the right place!

4. Once you enter the class, you’ll see messages letting you know the class is being recorded and live streamed. Select "Accept" to these requests.

5. You may also see a message asking you to “Connect Your Device’s Audio.” Select “Accept,” so you can hear the instructor.

6. Members can communicate with the trainers and each other over the live chat feed - accessible in the chat box at the bottom of your Zoom screen.

7. Please turn on your video/camera, we want to connect with you.

Have more questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions page.

The Good Life